Statement of Understanding Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.PROGRAM: RightChoice State Registered Nurse Aide CourseSCHOOL: RightChoice Health Care Training InstituteName *FirstLastAs a student of this program, I agree to the rules, regulations, policies and procedures as stated below. 1. The program requires a period of assigned, guided clinical experiences either in the school or other appropriate facility in the community.2. For educational purposes and practice on "live" models, I will allow other students to practice procedures on me and I will practice procedures on them under the guidance and direct supervision of my instructor. The nature and educational objectives of these procedures have been fully explained to me. No guarantee or assurance has been given to me by any representative of the school as to any problem that might be incurred as a result of these procedures.3. These clinical experiences are assigned by the instructor for their educational value and thus no payment (wages) will be earned or expected.4. I understand that I will be a student within any clinical facilities that affiliate with my school and will conduct myself accordingly. I will follow all required and published personnel policies, standards, philosophy, and procedures of these agencies. I will agree, at my own expense, to obtain all health screenings, immunizations, criminal background checks, and drug screenings as required by the affiliating agency.5. I have been provided a copy of, read, and agree to adhere to the school’s policies, rules, and regulations related to the program for which I am applying. 6. I understand that information regarding a patient or former patient is confidential and may be used only for clinical purposes within an educational setting according to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).7. I understand the educational experiences and knowledge gained during the program do not entitle me to a job; however, if all educational objectives and licensure requirements are successfully attained, I will be qualified for a job in this occupation.8. I understand any action on my part inconsistent with the above understandings may result in suspension of training.9. I understand that I am liable for my own medical and hospitalization expenses.10. I understand that I will be accountable for my own actions; therefore, professional liability insurance will be carried on me during the clinical phase of the program.Statement of Understanding *I have read and understand each terms above, and agree to abide by this statement of understanding.NOTE: Electronic signature of this document is a binding agreement to the terms described herein.Are you 18 years of age or older? *YesNoSTUDENTS OVER 18 YEARS OF AGE: Please type full name to serve as legal signature *Date of student signatureEmail *FOR STUDENTS UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE: As the legal guardian of the student named above, I agree to the above conditions. Please type full name to serve as legal signature.Date of Guardian signatureNameSubmit